According to U.Today, Charles Hoskinson, co-founder of Ethereum and creator of IOG and the Cardano blockchain, recently shared his perspective on the purpose of cryptocurrency on social media. Hoskinson quoted a line from the 1938 song 'I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire' by Bennie Benjamin, Eddie Durham, Sol Marcus, and Eddie Seiler, stating, 'Crypto doesn't want to set the world on fire, it just wants to start a flame in your heart.' This quote encapsulates Hoskinson's view of the role of cryptocurrency.

Previously, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin had also expressed a similar sentiment about the true goal of cryptocurrency. Buterin emphasized that cryptocurrencies were not designed solely to function as digital assets or for trading purposes. He pointed out that the original intention of Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, was much broader. Nakamoto envisioned Bitcoin as a tool for promoting liberty and decentralization.

Buterin further stated that the ethos of cryptocurrency extends beyond mere token trading. It is about safeguarding freedom and privacy and empowering the common man. He also noted that these values are increasingly under threat worldwide. Both Hoskinson and Buterin's statements highlight the broader philosophical and societal implications of cryptocurrency, beyond its financial aspects.