#Stories and #Experiences from my crypto history.

I read so much news during the past months and years. Good ones and bad ones. And it seems that the only constant is: exaggeration

It feels that bad news are used to reach a certain entry point and good news to reach an exit point.

Or as rule: If you read the news, you are maybe be to late!

Here some example why I think so:

Example $XVG 2018

There was a big announcement announced. It was scheduled to release a secret partnership in a tv show. Price was climbing a few weeks about 200-300% (if i remember correctly). In the mid of april it was revealed and the price went back to reality. Why? I think totally overhyped through media plus the circumstance that most people were hoping for a payment service and not a "not-so-very-serious" video platform.

Example $XRP 2018?/2019?

Elon musk showed sympathy for ripple. Then it was announced that he will talk in a tv show. The web was hyped and most people (including me in this early times) expected, that he will motivate millions of americans to invest in ripple. He didn't, as far as I know he talked seriously about the good and the bad (or risky) sides of crypto. As in previous xvg example...the price raised till the "big" day, ten it was falling again straight downwards.

Example $DOGE 2021

Some might remember. Almost same story as xrp...I didn't even follow the news and the hype...until a lucky friend told me, that he bought a high amount of doge some longer time ago. He payed less than 1 cent per doge. This was the only time I was giving something like an advice. Doge was at 60 cents in this moment and I felt that it will at last correct to 20 cents, so I told my friend the story of xrp. And I said that I think he should at least sell half ( while I mentioned thousand times that i m not an expert and that I did not make profit in crypto yet). Well, maybe I was distancing to much from giving advice, he didn't sell anything. He had to make its own experience.
