As wildfires rage in Los Angeles, recovery efforts face a new challenge: AI-generated deepfakes. Images of the Hollywood sign engulfed in flames circulated online, created using artificial intelligence tools. These deepfakes, along with false visuals of looting, contribute to confusion and misinformation during crises. Such tactics have been observed in past disasters, like Hurricane Helene, where AI-generated images of destruction were spread. The rapid spread of these deepfakes on social media, combined with a lack of clear communication from officials, blurs the line between fact and fiction. Additionally, AI deepfakes are increasingly used for political manipulation, further polarizing society. Tim Weninger, a computer science professor, highlights the societal values that contribute to the spread of misinformation. Despite the prevalence of AI deepfakes, it is crucial for individuals to prioritize sharing accurate information on social media platforms. Read more AI-generated news on: