Injective On-Chain Stats
Exciting times ahead with injective’s latest developments:
• On-chain transactions (1.35 billion) are hitting new highs.
• Despite the surge in users and transactions, @Injective consistently maintain block times of less than 1 second.
• The latest governance proposal has been overwhelmingly (99.99%) approved, marking the start of Phase One of INJ 3.0.
This new phase aims to significantly cut down the token supply, setting the stage for $INJ to become a highly deflationary asset.
• $INJ burn rate is accelerating (over 6.38 million INJ have been burned so far).
• Injective is collaborating with Sonic to introduce the first cross-chain AI Agent Hub for gaming, DeFi, and social platforms.
Stay tuned for more updates and get ready for the next big wave! 🌊