
Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency that was created in 2009 by an anonymous person named Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is the most famous and widespread digital currency in the world. # Main features 1. It is not controlled by any central authority (bank or government). 2. It relies on Blockchain technology to determine the validity of transactions. 3. It operates on the basis of a decentralized network. 4. Fake currencies cannot be imitated or created. 5. The number of coins is limited (21 million). #How it works 1. New currencies are created through the mining process. 2. Currencies are traded over the Internet. 3. Transactions are verified by nodes in the network. 4. Transactions are recorded in a public ledger called the blockchain. #Advantages of Bitcoin 1. Financial independence. 2. Speed ​​in trading. 3. Security and privacy. 4. Accounts cannot be suspended. 5. Can be used all over the world. #Bitcoin Risks 1. Large price fluctuations. 2. Financial instability. 3. Risk of complete loss of investment. 4. Security and privacy risks. 5. Lack of government regulation. # Uses of Bitcoin 1. Online payment. 2. Investment. 3. Trading. 4. Buy online. 5. Payment for different services. #Important facts 1. Market value: more than $1 trillion. 2. Number of users: more than 300 million. 3. Number of daily transactions: more than 200 thousand. 4. Trading time: 10 minutes. 5. Transparency: All transactions are available to everyone.