According to Odaily, Brendan Greene, the creator of the online battle royale game PUBG, left the game's development team in 2019 to focus on developing a new game-centric metaverse called Artemis. In a recent interview with IGN, Greene stated that he has not considered incorporating NFTs into the project. His studio, PlayerUnknown Productions, is currently working on Artemis, with the primary focus on developing the engine to a state where they can create content. Greene emphasized that the current priority is to make engaging games rather than integrating NFTs.
While NFTs are unlikely to feature in Greene's metaverse, he acknowledged the potential for blockchain technology to be integrated at some point. He described blockchain as an interesting financial tool and a potential layer in the digital world. Greene mentioned that future iterations of blockchain or similar technologies could be intriguing, highlighting its role as a digital ledger. He expressed openness to using the best available digital ledger technology if it proves beneficial.
Greene also commented on the current state of the metaverse, describing it as a 'dirty word' and criticized other creators for building what he termed 'IP bubbles.' He argued that these bubbles are created with substandard technology and fail to live up to the hype, suggesting that while these bubbles might interact in the future, they do not constitute a true metaverse.