Pepe the Frog is a green anthropomorphic frog character created by cartoonist Matt Furie in 2005 for his comic series "Boy's Club." The character gained widespread popularity as an internet meme, symbolizing various emotions such as sadness, smugness, and anger. Over time, Pepe became one of the most recognized and versatile memes on the internet.
In the cryptocurrency realm, "Pepe" refers to a meme-based cryptocurrency token inspired by the Pepe the Frog meme. Operating on the Ethereum blockchain, PEPE coin is a meme coin that has garnered attention within the crypto community. It institutes a no-tax policy, allowing investors to trade and transact PEPE on decentralized finance (DeFi) exchanges without additional fees.
Meme coins like PEPE are highly volatile and speculative, often influenced by internet culture and community sentiment. Investors should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with such assets.
For a visual exploration of Pepe's journey from a simple comic character to an internet icon, you might find the following video informative:
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