19) 35 year old lady known case of
hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
presented with grade III NYHA
classification dyspnea .she is on
Metoprolol 50 mg once daily . her last echo
shows LVOT mean gradient of 60mmHg
with valsalva maneuver. which of the
following medications should be added and
have inhibitory effect on myosin
a. Dipyridamole
b. Amiodarone
e. Procainamide
20) A middle-aged obese male presents with
sudden onset of excruciating chest pain that
is now radiating into his back. He has woken
up from his sleep 3 hours ago. he is
diaphoretic & anxious, He is administered
nitroglycerin by the triage nurse but this
does not provide any relief. BP on the right
arm is 190/90 mmHg and on the left arm, it
is 145/75 mmHg. RRis 28/minute and he is
afebrile, His initial set of cardiac enzymes is
negative and the ECG reveals non-specific
ST changes, In this patient what will most
likely be neard during auscultation?
a. Crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur
b oud P2$XRP
c. Systolic ejection click
d. High pitched early diastolic murmur