Qualitative analyses
It is important as investors to have a perception of the dynamics of the whole crypto index . Often the market follows trends . At times certain assets mimic the behavior of others . At times some assets have a negative correlation with key ones ( a good example is at that time when each time Gold went up #BTC went down . Now the general behavior of new assets can vary depending on things like ( is it an a category is it s C category ? What is it's market cap ? Where else is it being traded beforehand ? among other factors . ) What is the role of key market drivers ( individuals eg Musk , Trump , federal reserve lead , and instituitions like Blackrock /microstrategy ) . Having perception of how what they do or say will affect the trends is a great key . Other phenomena affecting trends include geopolitical occurrences eg in Gaza , Keiv , Aleppo among others . Some factors are in the short term . In the mid to long term consider - the fiat money supply by central reserves . The long term trends to watch are " historically what's the general long term behavior of this or that asset say if you will hold it for years ? Whale activity also affect trends usually in the short term ( will they pump , will they dump and where and who has the real Intel concerning their plans ) #ChristmasMarkerAnalysis We must remember it is a season to take some rest . Many players could be on reduced activity . this special circumstance could also open new opportunities for certain investors