#bnb #ABG @CZ @Binance Announcement

#CryptoKorea #BTC #BTC

Difference of ABG vs Bitcoin? 

Let's explore the contrast between ABG and Bitcoin. While both ABG and Bitcoin fall under the category of cryptocurrencies, they exhibit notable distinctions when it comes to centralization and decentralization.

Bitcoin (BTC):

Decentralized: Bitcoin is often considered a decentralized cryptocurrency. It operates on a decentralized blockchain, which is a distributed ledger maintained by a network of nodes (computers) around the world. No single entity or authority controls Bitcoin. Miners validate transactions and secure the network, and no central organization governs its development or operation.

Anonymous creator


ABG utilizes a hybrid structure that combines elements of both centralization and decentralization. While it operates on a blockchain, ABG actively participates in its evolution and offers user-friendly services like ATM machines and ATM cards to facilitate convenient access to cryptocurrency.The ABG team has publicity on social media, and they conduct events to inform their users and investors about ABG’s future plans and development. 

ABG improves the accessibility of financial services, enabling users familiar with conventional banking systems and ATM machines to easily adopt and make use of its decentralized features.

The ABG team has undergone both publicity and Know Your Customer (KYC) verification.

What does ABG have to offer?

ABG offers enduring stability, depth, and a lasting impact. It facilitates comprehensive problem-solving and innovation, leading to superior results and substantial growth potential. ABG initiatives encourage the development of expertise, collaboration, and resource efficiency, bolstering an organization's reputation and adaptability. Over time, we present opportunities to glean insights from errors, establish a legacy, and construct sustainable value. This makes it a strategic preference for individuals aiming for enduring success.

No investment

No lending

No Staking

No Scam

No Fundraising

Is ABG safe?