The current price of PEPE on Binance is 0.00002329 USDT. In the last 24 hours, the price has reached a high of 0.00002499 USDT and a low of 0.00002302 USDT. Key technical indicators show recent trading volumes.
The Moving Averages (MA(5) at 518,857,140,079 and MA(10) at 598,034,195,985) indicate activity in the market. The MACD values (DIF at -0.00000024, DEA at -0.00000015, and MACD at -0.00000009) show a bearish trend, meaning the market sentiment is down. However, the KDJ indicator (K at 18.79, D at 19.10, and J at 18.17) suggests that the market is oversold, which could mean a potential price rebound.
For short-term trading, the key levels to watch are:
Bullish Target: 0.00002836 USDT
Bearish Target: 0.00001885 USDT
If the price breaks above the 24-hour high of 0.00002499 USDT, it could rise towards the bullish target. On the other hand, if it drops below the 24-hour low of 0.00002302 USDT, the price might move lower towards the bearish target.
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