Robert Kiyosaki continues to buy Bitcoin despite market fluctuations. He also issued a critical warning to his followers.

Kiyosaki believes the US government is pushing the population towards poverty and advises people to take care of themselves and their loved ones.

The financial expert suggests working hard, spending wisely, and investing in safe haven assets like gold, silver, and Bitcoin.

Kiyosaki has been tweeting about the worsening economic situation in the US throughout 2021, citing bank insolvencies and the removal of the US debt ceiling as major concerns.

He also believes that the US government's actions in the Middle East and Eastern Europe could lead to financial repercussions.

He has high expectations for Bitcoin, calling it a safe haven asset and predicting a price surge in the next few years.

Despite his negative predictions for the US economy, Kiyosaki believes that Apple shares may be a good investment opportunity.

He continues to buy Bitcoin while other assets like stocks, bonds, and ETFs are crashing.

Kiyosaki expects Bitcoin to reach $135,000 in the near future, with a potential to surpass $500,000 by 2025.

Currently, Bitcoin is trading at $37,085 after reaching a new high of $37,422 on Friday.

Kiyosaki is known for his belief that the US dollar is losing value and has turned into "recycled paper."

Despite market fluctuations, he remains confident in Bitcoin and advises others to invest in it as a hedge against economic instability.

With his continued support for Bitcoin and safe haven assets, it remains to be seen whether Kiyosaki's predictions will come true and how the US economy will fare in the coming years.

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