Hard to say about timing, but sooner or later this zones will be just a first zones, before main move.  Possible Targets and explanation idea 

➡️Weekly timeframe. Marked 2 main middle term liquidity pool, sooner or later we will go and sweep this top and stop losses.  

➡️MP indicator like you can see whales step by step accumulate, whales need time not discount price. that's why they accumulate step by step  

➡️We tested only fundamental value line. After first liquidity pool line we will see Take profit line and sweep main pool from August 2022 

➡️Main reaction from sellers will be over exit line on weekly, when we will close 50% of W fvg or full fill. This time most of retails feel FOMO. will be good time for correction and mitigate position for whales   #Moonriver