Islamic Coin ($ISLM) currently stands at $0.165, reflecting a slight dip of 2.4%. The foundation of Islamic Coin, coupled with Haqq Buildings, establishes a robust framework for a more ethical ecosystem.

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Recent Developments:

- Successfully passed a Security Audit for Staking, ensuring a secure platform.

- A Governance proposal is open for Community Vote, underlining a democratic decision-making process.

- Anticipation builds as the community awaits the activation of Staking Rewards post the voting conclusion.

- Exciting news of a new major listing on starting from December 22nd.

- A not-to-be-missed Airdrop opportunity is on the horizon.

- The ongoing educational initiatives at HAQQ Academy continue to empower the community.

ISLM exemplifies a project with a community-first approach, striving for excellence in both ethical and financial realms.