The current price of Toma Coin (TOMA) varies slightly across platforms. On exchanges like, it is trading around $0.000232 . TOMA has seen some recent fluctuations, with a 24-hour increase of about 5.53% .
Withdrawal Process:
1. Exchange Withdrawal: If you have TOMA on an exchange such as, you can withdraw it by providing your wallet address. Ensure the wallet supports TOMA tokens, typically ones based on its blockchain (e.g., Solana or TON).
2. In-App Rewards: For users earning TOMA through Tomarket activities, withdrawals depend on meeting the app’s requirements (e.g., minimum balances, account verification). Instructions are typically provided in the app or associated Telegram channels .
Before withdrawing, always double-check the wallet address and any applicable fees on the exchange or platform.
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