#RUNE 4hr. Chart Analysis

$RUNE [ThorChain] at present going to Bullish trend after the update news and it will be moving under #ElliottImpulsiveWave and after completed its final Wave recently, it was starts moving towards first #CorrectionWaves formally as well.

From $3.1 at 7th Nov., its #ElliottWaveTheory starts and grown upto $6.68 around and finally now its correction wave starts that will be finish out approx. $4.5 to $4.3 before next week start-up with new cycle.

Lets see, whats the actual points of movements at every cut-off points but major chances that it will be take a correction before another #Bullish trend towards next ride of $13-$15 next time.

Always DYOR before investing or Trading and use Stoploss into Tradings too, Its NFA 🙏