#ETH #UNI #AMB #READ #SECURITY European Regulators Assess DeFi Risks; Uniswap Launches Android Wallet

European regulators went ahead and announced the risks that the DeFi ecosystem poses to the financial industry in a report announced on October 13. They reported the risk that DeFi is surfacing in the European financial sector; they highlighted this so they have to control DeFi, whose price has been stagnant the whole week.

Moreover, this week there was a launch of the Uniswap Android wallet in the Google Play Store. The app attracted both iOS users and desktop users. Additionally, DeFi platform Star Arena recovered over 90% of the stolen Avalance (AVAX) tokens; this was after publishing a bounty of $250,000.

We will be discussing this information. Read on to understand the kind of risks that European regulators are stating that DeFi is posing to their finances and how the Uniswap wallet will aid cryptocurrency storage on Android.