Let’s say you’ve bought top coins.

Let’s say you’ll make a lot of “paper profits” in the upcoming Altseason.

But if you don’t know when to exit, you risk losing it all when the bubble pops.

Don’t play dumb games.

Here’s how to spot market tops using my favorite indicator👇🏻


This is not the only “indicator” I’ll pay attention to when looking for the right time to take massive profits.

The best way to beat the market is not by focusing on a single “signal” but by creating a system with various “indicators” and looking for confluences between them.

I’ll share some other tools I use in future art because today, I want to solely focus on the most powerful indicator in the history of mankind:

HUMANS (more specifically, NPCs).

What continues to fascinate me is the limitless power of using NPCs as counter-indicators.

Here’s the playbook — basically all you have to do:

> Get interested when they lose interest.

> Lose interest when they start to get interested.

> Buy when they start to sell.

> Sell when they start to buy.

Being a contrarian and using NPCs as a reference is like having a cheat code.

I’d go as far as to say that if I could choose only one indicator, this would be it.

Ok, enough talking.

Let’s dive straight into the sauce of this article.

Using NPCs as an indicator for when to start taking massive profits during a bull run is a strategy based on identifying signs of mass euphoria or herd behavior.

When NPCs start buying en masse, it often signals a peak or overbought conditions in the market.

Here are some key signs to watch for that indicate NPCs are entering the market, which could signal it’s time to start thinking about getting out and locking in profits:

Mainstream media coverage

> Frequent headlines:

Major news outlets (not just niche crypto sites) are consistently covering crypto price surges and stories of people making quick and massive profits.

Some random “experts” begin sharing extreme targets — $BTC to $500k, $ETH to $50k, etc.

This stuff is “shit,” and NPCs are the “flies.”

They are preparing the herd for slaughter.

> Celebrity endorsements:

You know how NPCs are.

Their lives revolve around dumb celebrities.

Thus, another tactic the elite use to draw NPCs into Crypto is by utilizing well-known celebrities, influencers, or public figures to actively promote various Crypto products.

When this phenomenon starts happening on a mass scale — be cautious.

Social media hype

> Trending topics:

Crypto content is going viral across the biggest social media platforms on the planet like X, TikTok, Instagram, etc.

Pro tip — Don’t try to spot this trend on your own device.

If you’re a Crypto nerd like me, your algorithms across all platforms are already heavily Crypto-centered, so that strategy wouldn’t work.

Use your mom’s phone, lmao.

> Widespread amateur advice:

There’s a surge of non-expert investment advice across all platforms.

New Crypto-specific influencers are popping up everywhere, and they all have one thing in common — they don’t have a clue what they’re talking about, likely having joined the market just a week earlier.

FOMO and speculative talks

> Friends/family conversations:

When people who typically don’t follow financial markets (like your friends, family, co-workers) start talking about crypto, especially about their plans to buy in or how they “don’t want to miss out”, you have to become cautious.

> New investors openly sharing returns:

Stories of people with no prior experience boasting about their gains or how they’re making quick profits from crypto.

Pro tip — Many of these people will add “crypto investor” or “crypto trader” to their social media bios.

When you see that — RUN!

Rapid onboarding of retail investors.

> Increased activity on retail-friendly platforms:

Apps like Coinbase, Robinhood, or Binance experience a surge in new sign-ups, especially from users new to investing.

Pro tip — pay attention to their spot in the App Store.

When too many crypto-related apps are in the worldwide top spots, that’s not a good sign.

> Technical issues or downtime:

Popular exchanges experience outages due to heavy user traffic, a sign of massive demand from new and less experienced investors.

Retail interest metrics.

> Google Trends spikes:

A few weeks ago, the Google Trends search for “Crypto” was as low as when the market bottomed in 2022.

That was an insanely good sign.

On the other hand, a sudden increase in Google searches for terms like “how to buy Bitcoin,” “best crypto to invest in,” or “crypto trading tips” signals retail interest.

When these “charts” also start going parabolic, it’s not a good sign.

> Exchange download numbers:

The download rates for apps like Binance, Coinbase, or other wallet services spike, indicating strong interest from NPCs.

Crypto being discussed as “easy money”

> Over-optimistic sentiment:

When the narrative in online forums, news outlets, and social conversations shifts to describing crypto as easy money or a surefire way to make quick profits, run.

You’ll hear NPCs saying stuff like:

“I wish I’d found out about crypto a few years ago — this market is so easy.

F… k my 9-to-5 job — I’m just going to trade shitcoins.”

> Fear of Missing Out (FOMO):

People buy not because they understand the underlying technology or market dynamics, but because they’re afraid of missing out.

NPCs see their friends making money by buying random stuff — of course, they want in too.

Once they see the opportunity to get something for nothing, they’re all in.

If you spot these signs, once again… — start running in the opposite direction.

Crypto discussion in unexpected places

Advertisements in mainstream locations:

Crypto ads appearing in high-profile spots, such as during major sports events, on billboards, or in public transportation systems.

> Retail stores or small businesses talking about crypto:

Shops, cafes, and non-tech businesses begin discussing or accepting crypto, indicating that it is spreading beyond the early adopters.

Quick recap — to spot when NPCs are entering the market and use them as a counter indicator, watch these signs:

— Mainstream media coverage

— Social media hype

— FOMO and speculative talks

— Rapid onboarding of retail investors

— Retail interest metrics

— Crypto being discussed as “easy money”

— Crypto discussion in unexpected places

By identifying signs of speculative mania and retail euphoria, you can better time your exit during a bull market right around when the macro top is reached.

This approach is based on the premise that by the time the average person becomes aware of and enters the crypto market, it may already be overheated and nearing a peak.

As you probably know, my target for a potential macro top in the market is Q4 2024 or Q1 2025 at the latest.

But you know what?

In the end, I’ll only fully exit the market when I see a worldwide invasion of NPCs into the crypto industry.

That will be my ultimate sell signal.

I don’t care if it happens tomorrow, in three months, or in six months.

The day I see all the above-mentioned signs materialize — I’m out.


So, when everything looks “too easy” and all these NPCs are getting rich on paper, you must realize that the big players are simply setting everything up for a mass slaughter.

No matter how parabolic the rise in prices may be in the coming months, 95% of people who touch crypto will be annihilated once again.


Because they will enter at the wrong time and get brainwashed into holding forever.



Pay attention to all the signs I’ve mentioned above and be ready to take massive profits.

Time to change the lives of your whole dynasty

Rant over 🗣️

Quick disclaimer:

What I wrote in this article is based on my own life experience — don’t take it as a financial advice

Anyway, let me know what you think

It took me ages to put this together.

A little boost to the post would be appreciated.


#TakeP #BitEagleNews #BullRun