Since I wrote a post about 'nefhez', I've noticed a change in his behavior. He used to take long positions early on, but when he experienced significant losses a couple of times, he'd stop copy trading and disappear. Or, if his initial profit and loss (PNL) went below -70%, he couldn't tolerate it and would run away. Believing himself to be an exceptional trader (almost like the Dunning-Kruger effect), he didn't want to show these figures to others, so he'd delete the records every time. Then he'd create a new account, only maintaining those with good initial numbers generated by sheer luck from catching a good drop in the market for about 7 days. However, as he continued to take high leverage long positions, those accounts also went beyond -90% after two weeks and he'd eventually run away. I've observed him since TraderWagon, and without exception, he always behaved in this pattern.

However! Despite encompassing both of these situations, the current 'nefhez' is maintaining without hitting the stop button. Perhaps upon encountering my post, he might think that if he doesn't do something, he won't be able to continue copy trading. I feel sorry for him, but this change doesn't hold much significance. His skill remains the same—relying solely on taking high leverage long positions. It's trading based on market luck, not skill. I hope to prevent innocent victims from further harm by urging him to stop copy trading and engage in solo trading.

#nefhez #copytrader #binance #UserProtection #copytrade