Making money on Binance without trading is a great way to take advantage of the cryptocurrency market without risking your capital. With just a few simple steps, you can start earning passive income with minimal effort and no risk involved.

The first step in making money on Binance without trading is to open an account. Once you’ve done this, it’s time to deposit funds into your wallet so that you can begin taking part in various activities such as staking or lending coins for interest payments. Staking involves locking up coins for a set period and receiving rewards based upon the amount of coins staked while lending allows users to loan out their holdings in exchange for interest payments from borrowers who are seeking liquidity but don't want to sell their assets at current prices.

Another way that people make money on Binance is by participating in Initial Exchange Offerings (IEO). IEOs are similar to IPOs where investors purchase tokens before they hit public exchanges like Coinbase or Kraken which usually leads them being rewarded with higher returns due their early participation when compared against later buyers after launch day has passed by and demand increases significantly driving up prices further than what was initially offered during pre-sale stages prior release date announcement times . Finally, one last method of generating income through this platform would be arbitrage opportunities where traders buy low priced assets from one exchange then quickly sell them off another marketplace at much higher rates thus resulting profits due price differences between both locations simultaneously .

By following these simple steps anyone interested could potentially start making some extra cash off investing within crypto markets using only services provided directly through binance platform itself!