Joins C2PA As Contributor To Develop Digital Content Authenticity Standards

Blockchain and AI project announced its role as a contributor to the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA). As a member of C2PA, it intends to focus on advocating for the usage of ethical AI technology in the emerging AI landscape. The organization will certify the transparency and authenticity of AI-generated content, including its training history, via blockchain technology.

The C2PA is aimed at combating the rise of misinformation and deepfakes by developing technical standards that certify the source and history of digital content. Its objective is to enhance transparency regarding the origins of digital media by accumulating tamper-proof metadata, which helps guarantee that such content is authentic.

“At the Animechain project, one of our major objectives is to control and manage AI. Generative AI has no future if it continues to engage in learning that disregards the rights of IP holders and creators,” said Shuhei Mise, chief executive officer of, in a written statement. “Moreover, it is important to clarify what has been created by AI and what kind of data was used for AI learning, which is becoming a global trend,” he added.

By documenting data on the blockchain regarding images and videos created in accordance with C2PA, along with information about the AI models utilized, the project is establishing a framework that facilitates returns for intellectual property (IP) holders and creatives who contributed the data. This strategy aims to empower users and creators to utilize AI with confidence while ensuring a steady influx of new data, ultimately fostering a future where higher-quality content can be consistently produced. Transforming Content Creation With Ethical Generative AI

Its initiative seeks to enhance the content ecosystem by creating an environment where creators can consistently engage in production and optimize their earnings.

The company plans to offer a generative AI built on a foundational model that utilizes opt-in materials, ensuring that rights holders have given their consent. Additionally, to promote transparency and legitimacy, the development process will be documented on the blockchain. This strategy aims to tackle both copyright concerns and ethical challenges associated with generative AI.

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