Tune In for LIVE TG #AMA & #Quiz with Crypto Canvas Community | Win $100 in UFT 💬

🎙Manisha Keswani will discuss UniLend V2, NumaChain, and future plans, followed by thrilling quiz!

🔹RT, Drop your questions

🔹Join: https://t.me/UniLendFinance

🔹Invite your 3 friends

🗓12th September, 2 PM UTC

📍Venue: https://t.me/Crypto_Canvas


5 Twitter questions winners: $10 in UFT each!

5 Quiz winners will win $10 in UFT each!

🧠Boost your UniLend knowledge ahead of time by exploring our website: https://unilend.finance/ and read our whitepaper: https://unilend.gitbook.io/unilend-finance/whitepaper