#Aleo Community Call Summary for 11/10/2023

Hosts: Viv and Santi
Santi from the Marketing Team has given us the Aleo Advantage presentation!

1. Aleo is the evolution of decentralized systems, which are built based on ZEXE and allow private programmability!

2. Validators are working with snarkOS (decentralized Oracle system).

Provers - with snarkVM (ZK Virtual Machine).

Developers - with Leo (programming language for ZK circuits).

3. Leo compiles down to Aleo Instructions which then compiles down to ZK circuits.

 - Leo provides power ZKPs without complexity since it's a higher-level language.

4. use cases:

 - ZK token swaps

 - Verifiable oracles

 - Private and compliant stablecoins

 - ZK gaming


 - ZK Authentication

Why Aleo is different:

1. Programmable privacy: Leo allows building ZK apps with minimal resistance.

2. Decentralized ZK: Aleo created a decentralized network of proof allowing:

 - Censorship resistance

 - Liveness guarantee

 - Lower fees

 - Distributed workload

3. Scalable at L1: There are 32 transitions in each transaction.

4. Permissionless.
