This chart shows the price action of the #NOTUSDT trading pair over time. Here's a brief analysis:

1. **Support Level**: The chart has a horizontal line drawn, indicating a key support level around the 0.0082 mark. The price has tested this level multiple times, suggesting it's a significant support area.

2. **Resistance Level**: The chart indicates a strong resistance level around 0.0280. This is evident from the sharp decline in price after reaching this level, indicating that sellers overpower buyers at this point.

3. **Price Trend**: The price has been in a consistent downtrend since reaching the high point around 0.0280. The series of lower highs and lower lows suggest a bearish trend.

4. **Candlestick Patterns**: The candlestick pattern shows a lot of red candles, especially following attempts to rise, indicating selling pressure. However, recently, the candles are smaller and more balanced, which could imply that the selling pressure is weakening, or buyers are stepping in around the support level.

5. **Potential Scenario**: If the price continues to hold above the support level around 0.0082, there could be a potential for a reversal or at least a consolidation phase. However, a breakdown below this support might lead to further declines.

6. **Volume and Momentum**: There is no volume or momentum indicator on this chart. Including these indicators could provide more insights into the strength of the trend and the potential for a reversal.

Overall, the chart suggests caution. Traders might look for a clear breakout above resistance or a breakdown below support before committing to a position.

#not #NOTUSDT🚨 #notcoin