starknet blockchain

The world of blockchains is in continuous evolution, driven by the need to improve scalability, reduce transaction costs, and increase the speed of operations:  Starknet, one of the most promising Layer 2 chains, has recently made a significant step forward in this direction with the introduction of parallel execution, a new feature that allows processing multiple transactions simultaneously. 

This update, released as part of version 0.13.2, represents a fundamental breakthrough for the blockchain ecosystem and offers a series of advantages that could radically change the way transactions are managed on Layer 2.

What is Starknet, the concept of Layer 2 and the technologies to make the blockchain work

Before delving into the details of parallel execution, it is important to understand the context in which Starknet fits. Starknet is a Layer 2 solution based on zk-Rollup technology, designed to operate on top of the Ethereum blockchain. 

Layer 2 solutions are essential for improving the scalability of blockchains, as they allow transactions to be executed off the main chain (Layer 1) and then consolidated into larger blocks that are brought back onto the main chain.

Starknet uses zero-knowledge proofs (zk-proofs) to ensure the validity of transactions executed on Layer 2 without the need to reveal all the information about the transactions themselves, thus ensuring privacy and security. 

This approach allows for a significant increase in transaction throughput and a reduction in associated costs, making Ethereum more accessible and faster for users.

The introduction of parallel execution in version 0.13.2 of Starknet represents a radical change in the management of transactions on Layer 2. Traditionally, transactions on blockchain have been processed sequentially, one after the other.

 This approach, while ensuring the integrity and security of the chain, has limited the speed and efficiency of the system, creating bottlenecks especially during moments of high network congestion.

With parallel execution, Starknet is now able to process multiple transactions simultaneously, leveraging the modern processing capacity of multi-core processors and drastically improving the network’s throughput. This innovation not only increases the speed at which transactions can be confirmed, but also reduces latency times for users, creating a smoother and more responsive experience.

The compaction of blocks: space optimization

The parallel execution takes advantage of the fact that not all transactions depend on each other. In other words, some transactions can be executed in parallel without affecting the results of the others. 

This is particularly useful for decentralized applications (dApp) that require a high number of transactions, such as blockchain-based games, decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and other complex services.

In addition to parallel execution, the update to version 0.13.2 of Starknet also includes a “block compaction” feature. This feature is designed to optimize space usage within each block, densely packing transactions to maximize the chain’s efficiency.

The compaction of blocks is a direct response to the challenges posed by the exponential growth of transactions on the blockchain. With a growing number of users and dApps moving to Layer 2, the ability to process and store large volumes of data becomes crucial. 

The compaction allows reducing the amount of space occupied by each block without sacrificing security or transparency, ensuring that Starknet can handle an increasing number of transactions without slowdowns or excessive costs.

The innovations introduced by Starknet in version 0.13.2 have significant implications for the entire blockchain ecosystem. Parallel execution, in particular, could become a standard for future implementations on Layer 2, as it offers an effective way to address the scalability issues that plague the most popular blockchains like Ethereum.

Furthermore, the adoption of block compaction techniques could push other chains to implement similar solutions, improving the overall efficiency of the networks and reducing costs for users. In a sector where innovation is essential to maintain competitiveness, these new features demonstrate Starknet’s commitment to driving technological progress.


The update to version 0.13.2 of Starknet marks an important milestone in the development of Layer 2 solutions. With the introduction of parallel execution and block compaction, Starknet not only improves its scalability and efficiency but also lays the foundation for a new era of innovation in the blockchain ecosystem. 

These functionalities offer a concrete response to the current challenges of the sector and could establish new standards for the future of transactions on blockchain. With these innovations, Starknet positions itself as one of the leaders in the race towards a more scalable, fast, and accessible blockchain for everyone.