Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of #Telegram , was arrested at Le Bourget Airport in France on August 24, 2024. Durov, who was traveling from Azerbaijan on his private jet, was detained as part of a preliminary investigation by French authorities. The investigation focuses on Telegram's alleged failure to adequately moderate content on its platform, which officials claim has allowed criminal activities to proliferate.This arrest has significant implications, especially given Telegram's vast user base of nearly one billion people. The lack of content moderation has been a longstanding issue, with concerns that the platform is being used for illegal activities.Following the news of Durov's arrest, there was a sharp decline in the value of cryptocurrencies associated with Telegram, such as Ton coin, which dropped by 18%, and Not coin, which fell by 21%.This situation is developing, with Durov expected to appear in court soon.

Due to this incident the price of Not Coin, Tone Coin, and Dogs may drop a lot at present. So everyone invest in these coins at your own risk.