Hey #BinanceSquareFamily , I hope you're all doing great! We're currently sitting at Rank 51 and yesterday we were at 44, and breaking me because you are just saying we voted but I didn't get , so please make me into the TOP 10 feels like a big mountain to climb.

Vote for me please

But you know what? It’s challenging, but definitely not impossible. We just need around 2,000 votes to make it happen. Imagine the record we could set if we all came together! If every single one of you who comments here takes a moment to vote, we can absolutely achieve this goal. So, please, cast your vote now!

P.S. I’ve been giving out red pockets, yet some of you aren't following me or casting your votes. Come on, let’s do this together!

Hint: (yes we voted)

#BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #PowellAtJacksonHole #CryptoMarketMoves #BinanceBlockchainWeek