Any coin that's doing this and is clearly in a downtrend

Does not deserve your attention, Find something else.

it's the mentality of some traders that they buy something sitting at lows thinking this is very cheap now i should buy it while there is no strength.

No don't do this mistake. 90% or more coins are failed to do anything during this market. if something is at the lows that doesn't mean you buy it but it means people are not interested in it.

Put your mouth where the money is, Get into something that people are trading and is clearly in an uptrend.

You don't need to buy anything at the lows and then pray for a bounce.

it's hard to make money in crypto right now as only a few coins are doing better, the only way is you go where the money is going.

I traded BTC the most during this time.

Weekly chart will help you the most with this if a coin is in an uptrend or a downtrend.

Stay safe & Keep learning