#Layer2Coin Money Makers: Who's Raking It In? (Inspired by Bankless) 👀

Wanna know which L2s are actually making bank? 🤔 We dove into some fresh data, inspired by a recent Bankless report, to find out who's winning the L2 money game. 💻👇

(1) Base 🟦 is the new kid on the block, but it's already raking in dough. They've managed to keep a whopping 63% of their $66.6M in revenue. How'd they do it? Cost cuts thanks to EIP-4844 and no native token to fund! 😖

(2) $ARB 🟧🔵 is the OG L2, and it's still holding its own with $21.8M in earnings. It's a DeFi hub, home to big players like GMX and Pendle. They also slashed costs in Q2, just like Base.

(3) $ZK 🟣 is the ZK champ, making $15.3M in profit. It's still early days, but they're showing potential. 🤷

(4) $OP 🔴 is the underdog in the profit game, with a net loss of $239M. They're focused on growth and building a strong ecosystem, but profitability is still a hurdle.

Remember, these are just numbers. 😎 The bigger picture includes technology, user experience, and community. Don't just chase profits, understand the story behind the numbers! 💰DYOR! #Altcoins #ARB #ZK #OP

Thanks Bankless for insight!! 🙏