
A bleeding time in crypto world!

Just last week I earned my first 400usdt earnings in futures when BTC hit 70k, I was so happy because for morethan 2 years in crypto traiding, At last I’ve earned this big, but this happy moment and mood turns into nightmare in just few hours when #MarketDownturn hits. Honestly, its so frustrating because we wait for how many months or year just to get in 70k but in just days it was now going down again and again. I think the ongoing NEGATIVE situations in our world today contributes to this #MarketDownturn that makes the investors fear with their assets such as conflict of Israel vs Iran that creats fear of WAR, possible recession and other issues that creates FEAR that results to massive selling of assets. We didn’t know what will happen next, but as for me, i will just take this oppurtunity to buy more assets in low price and HODL. Crypto will NOT DIE, Crypto is the FUTURE so it will AGAIN RISE GO TO THE MOON