Slow and Steady wins the race!!!

Let me show you,How??

I have been trading crypto since 2022. Over the last two years, I have followed only one principle and that has never let me down...

It is not that complicated either.

1. Remember, Green candles are more dangerous and red candles are more opportunities. You must be wondering how???

a. E.g: You bought $SOL at 130$ , the market started an upward movement up to 190$. You are happy 😁 ( for sure) but what is more important is; to notice whether you are more wise than greedy; or not. At this stage if you don't set the stop limit around 180-185. Believe me, you will regret this. Sell it at 180 and and set a buy order between 130-140. And you will see the power of the compound effect. I have done it again and again and that is the reason, I have never regretted a single day in crypto.

Stay Blessed and Keep 🌟.





