According to PANews, navigating a bull market in cryptocurrency can be more complex than it seems. Even if Bitcoin ($BTC) reaches $100,000, many investors may still see their gains diminish. To avoid this, follow these 15 rules to maximize returns during this cycle:

1.Realize Your Gains: Remember, gains are only real when you sell.

2. Avoid Leverage: Altcoins are already volatile; adding leverage can lead to significant losses.

3. Gradual Exit Strategy: Plan to exit within the top third of the cycle to secure future gains.

4.Prepare for Downturns: Consider both upside potential and downside risks.

5.Asymmetric Investments: Ensure the potential upside outweighs the downside risk.

6. Long-Term Focus: Avoid getting lost in the hype; consider long-term trends and market liquidity. Selective: Most altcoins will go to zero by the end of the cycle; be very selective.

8.Keep it Simple: Simple plans are more likely to succeed in a heated market.

9. master Your Niche: Focus on a few sectors rather than trying to be an expert in all.

10.Secure Your Assets: Practice good wallet habits and diversify assets across multiple wallets or CEX.

11. Bet on Leaders: Winners tend to keep winning; avoid chasing laggards.

12. Collaborate: Your network is your net worth; collaborate with other savvy investors.

13.Compare to BTC: Analyze ALT/BTC pairs and reassess your strategy if underperforming.

14. Follow Trends: In strong trends, follow the momentum; contrarian investments only make sense at macro turning points.

15. Don't Fixate on Peak Net Worth: Embrace opportunities and accept losses gracefully.

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