BitTorrent Token ( BTTC ) MATCHMAKING 🚀

The BitTorrent protocol uses a sharing algorithm called "tit-for-tat", which is implemented using a mechanism called "choking." BitTorrent clients classify peers as either choked or unchoked.

An example choking algorithm might sort peers based on how much data the client has received from each one since the choking algorithm was last executed. The first n peers (where n is the number of unchoke slots, a fixed value chosen by each client) are classified as unchoked and the rest as choked.

Only unchoked peers are eligible to receive data. The choke state of all peers is recalculated periodically (typically every 15 seconds). Seeds do not receive any data from peers, so they use the amount of data sent to each peer to determine which peers are eligible to be unchoked in the next round. This means seeds optimize for maximum throughput, with no regard for any other factor.

There is also a separate choking algorithm called "optimistic unchoking" which uses a number of reserved unchoke slots (typically one). Optimistic unchoking selects a peer to unchoke in a random or round-robin fashion. This allows new peers an opportunity to receive some data so that they can start reciprocating with other peers.

Choking is the primary means of allocating resources within a BitTorrent swarm. BitTorrent Speed will extend this mechanism so that a service provider will include both BTTC bid data and peer upload rate in its decisions about which peer to unchoke.

Waiting for BitTorrent BTTC Matchmaking Part - 2 Guys And Follow me for next update.

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