A group member recently encountered counterfeit USDT! The scammer initially sent 2.944 genuine USDT, making it appear legitimate with an increased balance and transaction record. After that, they sent 5000 fake USDT. Despite all transactions appearing as TRC20 tokens from the same wallet and being verifiable on the blockchain, the wallet's USDT balance did not increase. Upon closer inspection, we found that the contract code for the fake USDT differed from the real one. This deceptive practice of mixing real and fake tokens can easily mislead users. Remember, each token's contract code on the blockchain is unique, and the same token on different chains also has distinct codes. For instance, the USDT contract code on the TRON chain is

TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t; anything else is counterfeit. Always verify the contract code to avoid being scammed. Stay vigilant when making blockchain transactions.



