📉 #Bitcoin Daily 📈

BTC finally dipped to 66.1k zone ✅ Is it over? I don't yet see certain confirmation for that. Now price is holding for developing month VAH, but its 2 days till month close, and August can bring sharp impulse that will change the picture.

Feels like $BTC is prone for another dip to cut off stops below 65820 and that move should take price to ~65350 at least.

❗️Less than 2 days left till Month candle close on Wednesday. Close anywhere above ~67580 makes it very bullish and increase chances for August to reach ~71500. At the same time long buy tail also leaves high possibility for #BTC to revisit CME gap at 59-60k same month - better it happen within nearest weeks, so that by the end of August BTC could return back to ~70k and maybe even start the breakout process.

Nearest liquidity pools:

above - 67300 / 68115 / 68800 / 70240

below - 65140 / 64285 / 63430 / 62790

Trend: D 🔼 W ▶️ M ▶️

🤑 F&G : 67 < 74 < 71 < 72 < 68