Hey guys. My Name is Danny and I'm the Founder of Crypto Revolution Masters and I've been in Crypto already more than 7 years so I want to share with you how the things looks through my eyes currently!

Last 2 years we have been in Bear Market and even a lot of people keep saying on Socials from the beginning of 2024 that we are in Bull, well we are not. Atleast not yet! For me Bull Cycle will slowly start in Q4 2024! Till than the best you can do is DCA your favorite projects and buy them cheap!

Now let's get you some things from KOL Kithcen. You will be surprised!

1. Lazy Teams - Major issue this year. Since beginning of the year I'm facing a lot of these. That's people who raise millions of dollars and than do completely nothing after Listing or even the worst situation! They always excuse with Market Conditions and keep postponing the Listing! As well they are so greedy. Greedness is another level this year. It's so much. Actually it's too much. I've never face such a greedy teams since I'm in Crypto!

So my advice is when you invest, always look for teams that actually do some work, that are active all the time, that are focused on the Community. Even if is Meme, same Community and team are very important key for the success of the token!

2. Lazy KOLs - another major problem this year. KOLs that are getting into Private Sales and do nothing after Listing. Well actually, they do something, they just dump their tokens on you! One posts or no posts at all is all their work! Also I see another situation lately. They fud some Projects so some people get Refunds so they can buy bigger spot into the Private Sale! Stay away from such a KOLs!

Advice here is always to check previous Projects the KOL promoted and than invest. If he has a Google success rate, he posts a lot, he cares for his followers than you can invest!

3. Fake promises - well that's pretty common lately! A lot of teams do that. They come to you promising Tier 1 CEX Listings, big marketing, big names, etc...and at the end zero activity from their side. Of course they do that to get as much money as they can!

My Advice here is always to check the information you are given..Just contact the name they are mentioning or even the CEX and ask if the provided information is fake or true!

I'm really disappointed with what I see this year so far. So many scams, so many lazy Teams and KOLs around, so many greedy people that will do everything to raise more and more money! The best you can do guys is just to follow the right people, invest based on their Signals, do your own research and of course to don't invest based on emotions. Never do that cause most likely you will loose!

Now as I've mentioned Bull Cycle is super close and we all have to be focused on making money cause that's the reason we are all around. If somebody is telling you that he is in Crypto for the tech, well he is lieing you! If I can advice you here - well for me personally it's safest to invest in all Binance Launchpool, Launchpad, Megadrop Projects cause in long-term they will do way better than all others!

And always DYOR guys. The most important is you personally to read, study about the project and than invest. Don't be lazy, cause sometimes laziness can cost you a lot!
