**Top Telegram Games of 2024**

**Understanding Encrypted Games on Telegram**

Encrypted games on Telegram are games that you can play directly within the Telegram app, utilizing cryptocurrencies for interactions and rewards. These games are favored for their ease of access and the convenience of not requiring additional app downloads.

**Highlight of 2024: Hamster Combat**

One of the standout games on Telegram this year is Hamster Combat. This game offers thrilling battles between hamsters and is easily accessible through the Telegram platform.

**Hamster Kombat Daily Crypto Code**

In Hamster Kombat, players can benefit from the Daily Crypto Code, which is released each day and provides an opportunity to earn 1 million in-game coins. To claim this code, players need to follow the game's official Telegram channels, find the daily code, and enter it into the game to receive their reward.

**In Conclusion**

Cryptogaming on Telegram presents an innovative way to combine cryptocurrency engagement with gaming. As technology advances and cryptocurrency interest grows, the popularity of these games is expected to rise significantly in the near future.