Binance VS TokenPocket Wallet #TRX #USDT
Typically, when you transfer USDT on Binance, the network fee is a fixed 1 USDT. However, with TokenPocket, you can save significantly on fees. By enabling TokenPocket's Energy Rental service, a similar transfer amount costs only 1.95 $TRX on gas, which is equivalent to just 0.264 USDT!
Here's the breakdown:
Binance: 1 USDT per transfer
TokenPocket Wallet: 0.264 USDT per transfer using Energy Rental
This means, that if you transfer USDT on the TRON network using TokenPocket instead of Binance, you can save 74% on network fees per transaction! If you typically make 10 to 20 USDT transactions a day, using TokenPocket can save you between 8 to 16 USDT on gas fees daily! OMG!!!
Tronlink Wallet VS TokenPocket Wallet #TRX #USDT
You may be confused, maybe all the decentralized wallets are in the same situation? I had that before! So, to figure out it. I also download Tronlink (also the top-tier wallet on the TRON network) and compared it with the TokenPocket wallet.
Here's the breakdown:
Tronlink Wallet: 13.39 $TRX (1.814 USDT)per transfer
TokenPocket Wallet: 0.264~0.52 USDT per transfer using Energy Rental (Depends on if you have enough TRX)
On Tronlink, if you don't have $TRX, the transaction may fail due to insufficient TRX balance. But, the same situation on TokenPocket, if you don't have TRX, you don't need to worry the transaction may fail. You can pay USDT as GAS!!!
And, even if you pay gas with USDT, the gas fee is 71.3% lower than Tronlink!!!
The best TRON wallet & multichain wallet in the world!