Saudi Arabia just going to start accepting digital currencies for oil sales! This is huge, folks! It marks a significant shift away from the petrodollar and could change the game for global trade.

So, which cryptocurrencies will make the cut? Here are the top contenders:

- Bitcoin (BTC): The king of cryptocurrencies might be a natural choice.

- Ethereum (ETH): Its smart contract platform could make it an attractive option.

- Petro (PTR): Venezuela's oil-backed cryptocurrency could serve as a model for Saudi Arabia's own oil-backed coin.

- Tether (USDT): As a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, it could provide a stable store of value.

And who knows? Maybe we'll see a yuan-backed digital currency or even a Saudi Arabian digital currency in the mix!

Stay tuned, folks! We'll keep you updated as this story develops. Which cryptocurrency do you think will be the winner? Let us know in the comments!