🥷How Does the Trump Trade Affect Bitcoin Markets? 🥷

Key takeaways🔑:

~Donald Trump’s potential victory in the upcoming U.S. elections could be good for Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency industry.

~The 2024 election cycle has seen the rise of a cryptocurrency lobby, with crypto-backed political action committees raising over $102 million.

~Trump’s selection of J.D. Vance as his vice-presidential candidate signals a strong alignment with cryptocurrency interests.

~Not everyone agrees that Trump is sold on cryptocurrency.

Donald Trump is the runaway favorite to win the U.S. elections in November after he survived an assassination attempt on July 13, according to Ethereum-based pollster Polymarket. This is a big deal for the millions of people in the United States who own Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies.


#Biden_Out_BTC_Up #trumpcoin #TrumpCryptoSupport