TON Network Surpasses $760M in TVL: Bullish Sign for TON Price?

The TON Network, a relative newcomer to the DApps space, has made a splash by surpassing Optimism to become the 10th largest blockchain by total value locked (TVL). This impressive feat has many wondering if it's a bullish sign for the price of TON, the network's native token.

Rapid Growth, But Questions Remain

While the TVL growth is undeniable, some factors require further exploration. The network's top DApps, DeDust and Ston Fi, hold a significant portion of the TVL, but their trading volumes have been declining. Additionally, user growth seems to be driven largely by airdrops, which can be a temporary phenomenon.

Is This Sustainable?

The long-term sustainability of TON's TVL growth hinges on attracting more organic users and fostering a robust ecosystem of DApps with consistent trading activity.