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🔴 Volatility Warning: Binance recently announced the delisting of several coins. Immediately after the announcement, these coins plummeted to their all-time lows. Many investors panicked and lamented their losses. However, just a few hours later, these coins surged over 100%, prompting a buying frenzy. Shortly after, they crashed again. This cycle of pump and dump has been repeating. Even today, we saw a price surge of over 100%, followed by a 40% drop within a single minute, leaving many investors in distress.

🔴 Managing Volatility: The question is, how do you manage such extreme volatility? Setting a stop loss is nearly impossible. Should you set it above 100% gains or accept a 20-30% loss? This kind of volatility almost guarantees losses. Why risk investing in such coins, especially after Binance announces their delisting? Those who bought in are already at a loss, and shockingly, new investors are buying in and joining the ranks of the losers.

🔴 Investment Caution: It’s crucial to avoid investing in such volatile and risky assets, especially when delisting news is imminent. The rapid price movements make it a dangerous gamble. Always understand the risks and avoid getting caught in the hype. Stay informed and make cautious investment decisions.

#warning!    #alert    #BinanceTurns7    #DelistingAlert    #CPI_BTC_Watch