Trump Vs Biden Election Outcome Unlikely To Deter Bipartisan Support For Crypto 🚨

In a recent interview, the CEOs of the Blockchain Association and the Crypto Council for Innovation shared their insights on crypto regulation after the Trump vs. Biden election outcome. Kristen Smith, CEO of the Blockchain Association, and Sheila Warren, CEO of the Crypto Council for Innovation, both attended a significant roundtable discussion led by Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna.

The meeting, held across the street from the White House, saw the participation of several industry leaders and members of the administration. It aimed to bridge the gap between crypto advocates and federal regulators. Smith highlighted the productive nature of the meeting, acknowledging Congressman Khanna’s efforts in organizing the event. “It was a really productive meeting,” she said.

Smith added, “For a long time, the crypto industry has felt like they haven’t been treated fairly by the Biden Administration, and I think this was a really important step towards increasing the dialogue between the agencies and us. We’re really excited to be a part of the discussion.”

Will Trump Vs. Biden Election Result Impact Crypto?

Moreover, recent political developments indicate a growing bipartisan interest in crypto. The Republican Party’s newly adopted policy platform explicitly supports crypto innovation. In addition, former President Donald Trump recently announced that he’ll speak at Bitcoin 2024 Conference.

This stance is resonating with voters, as Smith noted: “There was a poll from about two months ago that said one in five swing state voters considers cryptocurrency an important issue in the upcoming election. Of the Republican voters who were not planning to vote for Donald Trump, 33% are considering doing so because of his new pro-crypto stance.”

In addition, she noted that remarkable bipartisan support was noted for the FIT21 Act and SAB 121 revocation bill. Hence, Smith believes that Trump vs. Biden election result won’t hinted the support garnered. #Megadrop