The cryptocurrency landscape has been marred by notable scams, highlighting the need for vigilance:

🔵 FTX Collapse: In 2022, FTX’s downfall due to mismanaged customer funds led to a 25-year fraud sentence for its founder.

🟢 Luna & TerraUSD: A staggering $60 billion was wiped out in 2022, culminating in the arrest of its founder in 2023.

🟠 QuadrigaCX Ponzi: The death of its founder in 2018 left $215 million locked away, later exposed as a Ponzi scheme.

🔴 Africrypt’s BTC Loss: In 2021, 70,000 BTC were lost to a scam, with the founders now facing money laundering charges.

SafeMoon Scandal: Executives’ misuse of $200 million in 2021 resulted in SEC charges.

Pro-deum’s Exit: Investors were left empty-handed in 2018 after an exit scam.

Pincoin/iFan ICO Scam: $660 million was raised in 2018 only for the team to vanish.

Celsius Network Bankruptcy: After halting withdrawals in 2022, they’re now resolving a $4.7 billion debt.

Centra Tech Fraud: Founders were imprisoned after a deceptive $25 million raise in 2017.

Mining Max Deception: In 2017, $250 million was swindled from investors, impacting 18,000 people.

To safeguard your investments, always do your due diligence, be skeptical of too-good-to-be-true offers, diversify your portfolio, and maintain secure storage practices for your assets.


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