After a decade of trials and tribulations, I've distilled my journey into 6 essential takeaways to help you avoid the pitfalls and maximize gains.

Ride the wave with moving averages: Use the 60-day MA as your guide to enter and exit trades with confidence.

Tread carefully with meteoric rises: Don't get caught up in the hype - smaller positions and calculated risk management are key.

Catch the early bird: Identify minor fluctuations that signal major upswings and get in on the ground floor.

Surf the trend waves: Recognize emerging trends and ride the momentum to align with the market.

Batten down the hatches in bear markets: Minimize positions and scale back trading during downturns.

Review, refine, repeat: Weekly evaluations are crucial to refine your strategy and stay ahead of the game.

Let's navigate the crypto landscape together, with wisdom and adaptability as our guides!
