First, the principle of pumping to increase the price to a high level, or selling to push the price to a new bottom is: the market holds, buys a lot, it will go down, the market sells, runs a lot, it will go up.

- 100% of us retail buyers cannot know when to increase, when to decrease, because we do not know the trading data, do not know how many % are held, how many % have been sold, So who is the one who knows???

—> is the exchange, where there is a full user data system, allowing them to know when a large amount of coins are bought and held, and when a large amount of coins are sold.

—> So only the new exchange can keep the fate of this game, what should we retail buyers do? If you keep it and everyone keeps it, the price will keep going down. At some point, there will be too much sales and the price will go up again, no retail player will know. The only thing that can be done is to hold, holding is always the safest solution for retail players. If you want to take risks with the market, win x2,x3...,x10 then you are a loser from the beginning.