A new project based on the Binance Chain promises to introduce blockchain with a deflationary store of value that is capable of helping investors cut costs on cross-chain fees. Bitnance (BTN), a cryptocurrency based on scarcity, is already on presale as investors turn their attention to what’s been talked about as the Binance Chains’ Bitcoin.

As Bitcoin’s gas fees reach record-high levels after the halving, the crypto community is already looking for money-saving alternatives. In that sense, the project aims to offer a “safe haven” for investors, ” allowing them to store assets on the Binance Chain without transferring them to BTC.

As a token based on scarcity, BTN shares a lot of similarities to BTC. While the world’s largest cryptocurrency has a total of 21 million tokens to ever be minted, Bitnance is about half as scarce, with only 10.5 million tokens as its maximum supply. 

Binance Chain Fees 13 Times Cheaper

The average transaction fee on the Binance Chain is approximately $2.50, which is significantly lower compared to Bitcoin’s average transaction fee of $34. This makes Binance Chain 13 times cheaper in terms of transaction costs. This cost-efficiency is a major advantage for investors looking to maximize their returns by minimizing fees.

In addition to lower fees, Binance Chain also boasts faster transaction speeds compared to Bitcoin, providing a more efficient and user-friendly experience for those trading and transferring assets. Bitnance (BTN) leverages these benefits to create a more accessible and economical option for investors.

With the launch of BTN, investors have the opportunity to engage with a cryptocurrency that not only promises scarcity and deflationary properties but also reduces the burden of high transaction fees. This aligns with the broader trend in the crypto community towards finding sustainable and cost-effective solutions for digital asset management.

Bitnance Presale

The $BTN token is currently in its initial coin offering (ICO) phase, providing an exciting opportunity for early investors. Each Bitnance token is being sold for just under $0.36, making it accessible to a broad range of investors. The presale has set a hard cap of $2 million, aiming to raise sufficient funds to support the project’s development and marketing efforts.

During this ICO event, a total of 5.6 million tokens will be offered to the public. This limited availability aligns with BTN’s focus on scarcity, mirroring the approach taken by Bitcoin. Experts in the cryptocurrency space are projecting substantial growth for Bitnance, drawing parallels to Bitcoin’s historical performance. They believe that BTN’s deflationary properties and the growing demand for efficient and cost-effective blockchain solutions could drive its value up over time.

Investors are particularly attracted to BTN not only for its potential profitability but also for the advantages it offers over traditional cryptocurrencies. With significantly lower transaction fees and faster processing times on the Binance Chain, BTN is positioned as a strong alternative to Bitcoin for those looking to optimize their investments.

The presale phase is a critical moment for Bitnance, offering early adopters the chance to participate in what could become a major player in the cryptocurrency market. So far, the project has sold over $18,000.

As the presale progresses, anticipation continues to build, with many looking forward to the potential gains and innovations that Bitnance promises to deliver.