Technical Analysis of NOT/USDT 15-Minute Chart

Key Indicators

1. Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs)

• EMA7: 0.01421

• EMA25: 0.01413

• EMA99: 0.01411

• Analysis: Price is currently above all EMAs, indicating a short-term bullish trend. The EMA7 crossing above EMA25 suggests recent bullish momentum.

2. Stochastic RSI

• Stochastic RSI: 0.00 (Oversold)

• K: 18.69

• D: 35.09

• Analysis: Stochastic RSI is in the oversold territory, suggesting a potential upward movement or recovery in the near term.

3. Volume

• Volume: 10.17M

• Volume MA5: 37.65M

• Volume MA10: 55.13M

• Analysis: Recent volume is significantly below the moving averages, indicating decreased market participation.


• DIF: 0.00008

• DEA: -0.00003

• MACD Histogram: 0.00005

• Analysis: MACD line is above the signal line, indicating bullish momentum.

5. RSI

• RSI(6): 28.56

• RSI(12): 46.48

• RSI(24): 51.35

• Analysis: RSI(6) is in the oversold territory, indicating potential buying opportunity. Other RSI values are near neutral, suggesting balanced conditions.


• Market Sentiment: Mixed sentiment. Stochastic RSI indicates oversold conditions, suggesting a potential upward movement. MACD shows bullish momentum, but the low volume indicates caution.

• Moving Averages: Price above all EMAs suggests a short-term bullish trend.

• Volume: Decreased market participation as indicated by volume significantly below moving averages.

• MACD: Bullish momentum, but need to watch volume for confirmation.

• RSI: RSI(6) is oversold, suggesting potential buying opportunity.




