Fiscal policy involves the use of taxes and government spending to influence the economy. By adjusting these elements, governments can manage inflation, create jobs, and encourage economic growth.

Fiscal policy also affects financial markets, including the crypto market. Although cryptocurrencies may operate independently of traditional financial systems, changes in fiscal policy can still impact the value of crypto assets. 

Impact of Expansionary Fiscal Policy 

An expansionary fiscal policy means the government increases spending or cuts taxes, putting more money into the economy. This leads to higher consumer spending and investment as people have more disposable income. In the context of crypto, this can lead to more investments in cryptocurrencies, potentially driving up their prices. 

Example: If Alice receives a tax cut, she has extra disposable income. She decides to invest part of this extra money in bitcoin and ether. As more people like Alice invest in cryptocurrencies, the demand for these assets rises, and with enough demand, market prices may increase. 

Impact of Contractionary Fiscal Policy 

A contractionary fiscal policy involves the government reducing spending or increasing taxes, which takes money out of the economy. This results in lower consumer spending and investment. With less disposable income, people are less likely to invest in cryptocurrencies, potentially leading to lower prices. 

Example: If Alice faces a tax increase, she has less money to spend or invest. She might decide against buying more bitcoin or ether. With fewer people investing in cryptocurrencies, demand drops, potentially causing prices to stagnate or decrease.

Learn more: What Is Fiscal Policy?