Connect, learn and grow. Solana is the only blockchain that takes its community seriously! Dozens of talks, hackathons, real-life meetings are what has driven Solana to grow and consolidate in my opinion.

I want to tell you a little about an interconnected global event that Solana organized on June 27, 2024, called "Solana Summer Kickoff", where on the same day at the same time in more than 25 cities worldwide, developers, content creators and key people in this ecosystem met to celebrate with pizza, beer & frens!

Solana Summer Kickoff Germany

I was very struck by the massive call and the response of people, I could see on Twitter the interaction from all over the planet publishing photos and anecdotes of this pleasant sharing with their friends.

Among the main cities chosen for this interconnection are London, Paris, Dubai, Rome, Bogota, Miami. To officially register and attend you only have to go to , and look for your preferred place. This event reminds me of something similar, very small, that was done in Venezuela (my country) called "Crypto bochinche 2023" where at the same time on a specific day the entire blockchain community would connect and meet at different night spots to celebrate and network.

Some Cities of SSK

If you were part of these events, it would be cool if you could leave your experience in the comments and share some pictures of the event. In all the countries where it was held, I could see a lot of fun, camaraderie and enthusiasm to continue making Solana grow. I hope that in the next edition they take over a city in my country and I can be part of the Solana party!

Solana Summer Kickoff was a space where attendees could delve into the latest trends around the Solana ecosystem. It was also a stage to bring the community together and make it possible to connect with brilliant minds, developers, projects, enthusiasts, and artists.

Solana Sumer Kickoff Singapore

Solana is a fast and efficient blockchain platform designed for the development and execution of decentralized applications (DApps). The platform seeks to solve the limitations of other blockchain platforms through innovative technologies.

Offers high processing speed and low waiting times, making it ideal for real-time applications such as gaming, financial services, and other activities that require fast and reliable processing. In addition, the Solana ecosystem provides a development environment for Solana-based tokens and related financial products.

If you still haven't decided to be part of this beautiful ecosystem, what are you waiting for? The opportunities and growth that await you are wonderful.

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